Dragon's Gate Item Generation Tool

Item Name:

Number of Generations:

Number of Adjectives:

Item Type:


Help me build this!
Item Database

Welcome to the DIG (Dgate Item Generator) prototype. At this stage it's still very simple and basic. As filters are completed it will be able to perform much more complicated tasks. If you're interested in helping out by designing a filter please go here. It's much easier than it sounds, I promise.

To use this tool, enter the name of the item, the number of variations you would like to see, the type of item filter you want (will affect the adjectives used i.e. "food" items will not include adjectives such as steel), the type of material, and hit submit. You will see a list of item variations.

I hope you find this useful. Please send questions, suggestions, etc to jon@centralridge.com. I would love to hear them.

Check out the companion website being developed to go along with this. It's an item database with names and pictures of weapons, armor, and general items.